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Best ERP For School, College, University in India

March 14, 2025


Why Does Your School, College, Or University “BADLY” Need An ERP?

Why Does Your School, College, Or University “BADLY” Need An ERP?

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Why Does Your School, College, Or University “BADLY” Need An ERP?

This article is addressed primarily to the Chairpersons, Principals, and Directors of Schools, Colleges, and Universities. No one has the same passion and love towards your institutions as you do. You have the experience and expertise, and you know very well what’s best for your institutions. Many of you might be already having some ERP implemented in your institution. This article will be helpful for you to make a decision on a new ERP Implementation and re-analyze the advantages of your currently implemented ERP. 

1. Time is Money

When there are so many institutes and many options for Students even to go abroad, you must be spending a lot on admissions. And to make sure that your institution has a strong reputation, you must invest heavily in high-quality Staff. After all these massive investments, why do you want your Staff to put so much time into manual work? Don’t you want to save everyone’s time and energy for operational work processes and help them use that time for more productive work and your ultimate goal, i.e., ‘Academic Excellence’?

2. Your Students and Staff are already on the Internet and Digital Smart Phones.

We are in the Digital age, and all your Staff and Students are already using Smartphones. Don’t they deserve to get all the information from the institute about their day-to-day activities Online or on their Mobiles through a Mobile App? When you are teaching your Students the advantages of technology, why are you not following it?

3. Best Practices should be followed by all your Staff.

If you are not on an ERP, your best Staff will be working on uniquely followed strategies, and your not-so-good Staff will be following a mediocre process. Why don’t you allow all to follow the Best Practices for everyone by using a centralized ERP so that the GAP between the working styles of your Staff can be reduced and all of you can follow the best practices incorporated in your ERP? With IFW ERP for Schools, Colleges, and Universities, all your records, reports, and analysis will be in similar formats, making things more transparent, reliable, and accurate.

4. Increase Student and Staff Satisfaction

The more information, the lesser the anxieties and confusion.

Faster information, quicker and better decision making.

IFW ERP for Schools, Colleges, and Universities allows everyone on your campus to have transparent and real-time information about the day-to-day matters related to them. This keeps all the stakeholders informed, alert, and satisfied.

5. You cannot evaluate a Student or Staff member’s performance in one go.

Without an ERP, you will always be dependent on feedback and information from others before making a decision. For Example: If you come across a parent who asks you about the performance of the child studying in your institute, will you be able to tell the parent how regular the Student is in attending classes, is the fee paid, how regularly he goes to the library, what are his marks scored, etc.? You will need to complete the child’s evaluation from many departments, and then you will be able to analyze and reply to the parent. But if you have an ERP implemented, all this information can be accessed in one go.

The same thing applies to handling Staff Appraisal Requests. Without clear facts, you may give weightage to someone closer to you rather than someone more deserving.

6. Make people accountable automatically.

When your Staff knows that everything is reported automatically to you every day in real-time, this brings accountability. And once the system becomes accountable, there is an excellent discipline in the working of all departments. It’s like having a CCTV Camera. Even if the camera is off or not monitored all the time, people under it are more disciplined towards their work.

7. Accurate Records

Since you are an Educational Institution, your records related to Exams, Fees, Attendance, etc., must be 100% accurate. Also, our cloud-based IFW ERP will resolve your data duplication and redundancy problem as you will not need to keep the same records of Students and Staff in all departments separately and make changes in them individually throughout the year.

8. Your Staff should focus more on Students’ Performance

Don’t just keep your Staff involved in the operational process; use their time to make reports and analyses for you. IFW ERP will do all this for them and you. Smart ERP Systems will give a lot of reports and investigations related to the performance of Students and Staff members or different departments.

9. Your Brand Reputation

Look at the other big institutions around you. Are they giving their Students the advantages of an ERP? Do the Students and Staff there has a login where they can check everything related to them? If they are using an ERP, you should take advantage of it; if they are not, you will have the early mover advantage in your region.

Without an ERP, there will be a time that the Students and Staff of your campus will feel that they are missing the advantages of technology. Why give them this feeling when you can solve this problem by efficiently implementing IFW ERP in your institution?

10. Growth is the long-term goal of every Institute

If you want to keep your focus only on your existing campus and are not looking for growth and expansion, then you can avoid the decision to implement an ERP. Because a successfully implemented ERP will help you make better decisions, help you to make a more accountable Staff, help you to attain better discipline among Students, and have many more advantages. All this will motivate you to take your institute to greater heights in terms of quality in academics and infrastructure. Your relaxation in time and ease in decision-making will help you implement your future growth plans faster and better.

11. What suits you: Being System Dependent or Person Dependent?

Being System Dependent on an ERP means you should be reassured if some Staff member is unavailable the next day for any reason. Any other person can start the same work from where the person earlier left the work in ERP. So you will never get under the pressure of depending on any person.

12. Still using preprinted stationary?

If you are still using preprinted stationary for fee receipts, mark sheets, leave forms, etc., you are unnecessarily wasting too much of your resources. IFW ERP allows you to generate these things quickly by the system, considering all the day-to-day changes in the formats if required.

13. It’s NOT too late.

We are sure you were always thinking of getting an ERP Implemented in your institute, but somehow you have delayed it. Sometimes you might feel admissions are low so let’s slow it. Sometimes you might feel the current Staff is a chronic of the old ways of working, so why disturb the status quo? But you have to decide that you would like to pick up the bicycle and run as fast as you can or sit on it comfortably and ride it.

Thanks for reading this article. Your comments or feedback are welcome below. Remember to share this article with heads of your or other institutions too. For a free demo, connect with us today.


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