The Timetable module helps you manage your Institutes’ Timetable with or without linkage to the Attendance Module. You may even have courses which start at different Hours of the day, which can be easily handled by this module.
All clashes are duly checked at time of saving the card placements. Class Wise, Teacherwise and Roomwise Timetables can be easily generated.

What will you get
Module Highlights
- Multiple Start and End times for Different Courses can be managed simultaneously.
- These timetables are visible to all Students, Parents & Staff in their logins.
- Sharing Human Resources between different Institutes of a Campus can be managed easily.
- Binding the Timetable with Student Attendance Module ensures increased accuracy in inputs.
- Easy to make and apply changes to Schedules.
Frequently asked questions
How It's Helpful
- Share the exact timetable with the different groups of stakeholders at the same time.
- The module will ultimately promote discipline and decorum within respective classes.
- Extra / Non Faculty based activities like Library, Weekly Activity can be added to Timetables easily and dynamically.
USPs Of Timetable Module In IFW ERP
- Dynamic and Simplified.
- Best possible rearrangements.
- Simultaneous sharing.