The way Homework and Assignments are given and received have changed these days, especially in the Higher Education segment.
This module aims at managing Assignments in a manner where Teacher can assign an Assignment; to Class, to Groups or even Individual Students. It keeps the data of start dates and deadlines, along with options for Online and Offline submissions.

What will you get
Module Highlights
- This module gives the flexibility of providing assignments in groups or to individuals.
- Through the Assignment module, students can submit their work online and offline, as required by the faculty/in-charge.
- Marks or Grades can be given for submitted assignments.
- Assignments Marks can be fetched into main exams or sessionals etc.
- Online assignment submission saves time, prompts the students to submit them, and avoids delays for unnecessary reasons.
- Faculty can Upload, and Students can download Assignments.
- Responses or submissions in turn are uploaded by students, to be downloaded at Teacher’s end.
Frequently asked questions
How It's Helpful
- The Assignment module in IFW ERP provides a platform to manage the assignment or any other project work given to the students.
- Faculty can create the assignments with descriptions and required attachments, which are, in turn, visible to the concerned students.
- In this assignment module, students can be divided into groups, and assignments can be given to students according to the groups they are divided into.
- It gives you flexibility and relief from traditional assignment submission systems
- Students can easily see their marks or grades for any particular assignment using their ERP login/account.
USPs of Assignments Module In IFW ERP
- Deadline management of assignments.
- Flexible and simplified.
- Two way communication.